We’re calling steak night! Sweet, salty and tangy, this flank steak recipe will soon be your favorite beef recipe. You won’t believe how juicy and tender this steak recipe is, and will already crave it before you even wash the dinner dishes.
The flank steak is marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, sherry and honey. That’s it! Let the flank steak marinate in the sweet, acidic and salty marinade for at least four hours and up to overnight. When ready to cook, remove it from the marinade and broil until cooked to your desired doneness. You could also throw it on an indoor or outdoor grill.
Serve this easy steak recipe with your favorite side dishes. Use the leftovers to make steak sandwiches.
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Cuisine: American
Prep Time: 4 hours to 24 hours to marinate
Cook Time: 8 to 10 minutes
Total Time: 4 hours to 24 hours to marinate
Servings: 6
Recipe Notes
Here’s how to make it:
Nutrition Facts Per Serving
Cholesterol: 83mg
Dietary Fiber: 0g
Potassium: 523mg
Recipe cooking times, nutritional information and servings are approximate and provided for your convenience. However, 30Seconds is not responsible for the outcome of any recipe, nor may you have the same results because of variations in ingredients, temperatures, altitude, errors, omissions or cooking/baking abilities. This recipe has been analyzed by VeryWellFit. However, any nutritional information is provided as a courtesy and it is up to the individual to ascertain accuracy. To ensure image quality, we may occasionally use stock photography.
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