It doesn’t matter if you own a big hound or a fluffy little tabby, you know how persuasive an animal can be when they smell a tasty snack. From wagging their tails to their piercing gaze, they have plenty of weapons at their disposal to convince us to give them a bite.
And if all fails, some are determined enough to try out the last option — stealing!
We at Bored Panda put together a new collection of amusing photographic evidence, showcasing shameless pet thieves in the middle of their crimes. I wonder what excuse would they give to a judge.
#1 My Large Icy Was Full When I Went In The Store For 2 Minutes
Image credits: Rhonda Meeks Jones
#2 Someone Left The Peanut Butter On The Counter
Image credits: smogt3ch
According to biologist Genevieve Dugal, there are several reasons why a dog might be stealing food, with the most obvious being that they’re just hungry. Especially if they have understood very well that the kitchen counter or the dining table conceals tasty treasures to reach for!
After all, you spend your time cooking mouth-watering food there; it’s normal for your dog to want to nibble on a piece of it too.
#3 I Was Trying To Take A Photo Of The Cake I Baked Until Someone Snuck Up On Me
Image credits: room23
#4 Someone Liked The Taste Of Butter Chicken
Image credits: juicydwin
#5 When You Leave The Yogurt Unattended
Image credits: asocialas
“Even if your dog is not necessarily hungry, he still tries to steal food because he receives a reward each time he succeeds,” Dugal added.
“And we’re not just talking about the piece of meat as such: by stealing food from under your nose, your pup also catches your eye!”
#6 My Dog, Aspen, Always Grabs Things Out Of The Pantry And Brings Them To Us With This Face
Image credits: Edibletapes
#7 I Found My Dog’s Butter Stash This Morning, Buried In Her Bed. She Doesn’t Want To Talk About It
Image credits: dearthofkindness
#8 Of All The Dogs I’ve Ever Had, He’s The Worst One
Image credits: MarthaMatildaOToole
Indeed, who has never reacted in front of their dog trying to steal food by telling him to stop or by suggesting to go get the ball instead?
So even if you reprimand them, you are paying attention to your pet and that gives him a good reason to keep at it.
#9 My Dad Says He Can Never Eat Anything In Peace
Image credits: sonny_sweat
#10 The Cat Was Mad We Weren’t Home To Feed Her Dinner. So She Got Back At Us By Ripping Apart A Pack Of Bagels And Taking A Tiny Bite Out Of Each One
Image credits: sufficiently_sp00ked
#11 Cute Noodle Stealing A Noodle
Image credits:
“In short, when a dog behaves in a certain way and that behavior is rewarded or reinforced, they are more likely to repeat that behavior over and over again,” Dugal explained.
“Finding a delicious piece of chicken on the counter is an incredible reward in itself. But if he also gets your attention every time, he is likely to repeat this behavior until he is no longer rewarded.”
#12 My Mom’s Mini-Horse Got Into The House And Stole A Banana
Image credits: Tarostar
#13 Spaghetti Thief
Image credits: Lilahjane66
#14 Kitten And Coffee
Image credits: purpleelephantdance
Whether you have a young puppy or a senior dog, a lack of obedience training may be the reason why he keeps jumping on around the kitchen or stealing food elsewhere. Some dogs can steal food simply because they never learned it was forbidden. Or maybe they just need a little reminder!
To remedy this behavior, you will need to teach—or re-teach—your doggo to react differently to food that is not theirs.
In other words, your pooch might be bored! The lack of physical and mental stimulation can lead to many behavioral problems, including stealing food
#15 Can I Have Some?
Image credits: babyboboiputehcikb
#16 You Can Take The Kitty Out Of The Dumpster, But You Can’t Take The Dumpster Out Of The Kitty
Image credits: qqeb
#17 I Caught Him Stealing A Slice Of Beef Cheek On The Taco Night
Image credits: tctochielleon
But as we can see, cats can commit this crime too. First and foremost they are natural-born hunters so even if you routinely lay out the very best cat food or best wet food in their bowls every day, it’s still in their nature to catch something.
Cats love to explore, hence why outdoor kitties often come back with a small rodent or bird from their excursions, but even this might not stop them from pouncing on your dinner!
#18 Climbed Up The Handles To Eat Cheese While I’m Cutting It
Image credits: bertabud
#19 I Left My Food Unattended For 2 Minutes, And My Cat Fell Asleep While Eating It
Image credits: SamanthaJK09
#20 Trying To Sneak A Steak Bite
Image credits: GallowBoob
At first, it may be entertaining watching your cat sneak a bite, but it’s in your (and the animal’s) best interest to put an end to this.
Cats have sensitive digestive systems and don’t process foods that are high in sugar or fat well enough.
Also, parasites can spread from the food that they’ve stolen, which is another risk that you don’t want to experience.
#21 I Just Want To Taste It
Image credits: kevinowdziej
#22 I Spent An Entire Day Baking Challah Bread, Only To Have It Stolen
Image credits: MickFoley13
#23 Yesterday I Rescued This Kitten From A Cruel Life As A Stray, Today He Shamelessly Stole My Son’s Lunch. I’ve Taken In A Criminal
Image credits: BatMom525
Trained vet, Jo Woodnutt said, “Cats might steal food because they’re hungry, because they want attention, or because they like your food better than theirs!”
“Consider whether your cat could be hungry – did you forget to feed them? Have they recently been put on a diet?”. If your cat appears hungry despite getting enough calories, Woodnutt recommends considering whether or not they have other symptoms. Hunger can be a sign of common cat conditions like hyperthyroidism and diabetes.
#24 My Parent’s Great Dane Stole The Coffee Mate
Image credits: shredallthegnar
#25 Every Single Night. Doesn’t Matter What’s For Dinner
Image credits: creamycoolness
#26 Pizza Thief Caught In The Act
Image credits: Jason_Was_Here
When your cat appears immediately when you get the frying pan out, it’s possible that they are just begging for your attention or want to be involved, particularly if their young or extra curious. But they it could also be a sign of their dominant behavior, trying to assert their ‘right’ to what’s on your plate.
#27 He Stole A Stale Baguette I Was Saving To Make Breadcrumbs And He’s Been Carrying It Around For Three Days
Image credits: alexg81
#28 Let Me Introduce You To The Freak Living In My Flat – Jax. I Caught Him Licking Our Sauce
Image credits: callmeanightmare
#29 “Put Them On A Raw Meat Diet.” They Said. This Carb-Craving Criminal Pulled The Bagels Out Of The Cupboard
Image credits: BrentTse
Woodnutt says this most commonly happens because human food is interesting and tastes different from what they’re used to. “The added salt and sugar in our food can make it taste even nicer to cats. The different textures are exciting, too,” she explained, “Some cats eat human food to get attention – even though it’s usually negative attention (telling them off), it’s better than nothing.”
#30 Not An Ounce Of Remorse
Image credits: Pelanty21
#31 I’m Just Trying To Peacefully Eat My Breakfast
Image credits: lilbopeachy
#32 Lettuce-Stealing Little Thief
Image credits: i_hateeveryone
The best way to deal with the problem is not to let it develop in the first place. If your cat begs, never feed tidbits and make sure any visitors know that’s the house rule. Any food accidentally dropped on the floor should be cleared up as soon as possible. Don’t leave food lying around, either because some cats are very accomplished thieves and can open cupboards or even boxes.
#33 I Heard A Noise In The Pantry. This Fool Was In There Eating A Bag Of Raw Flour And Is Now Shocked That His Mouth Is Full Of Dough
Image credits: port-girl
#34 The Art And The Artist
Image credits:
#35 Smokes Stole A Pringle
Image credits: Blueeyedfoxie
If you’ve inherited a cat with a problem – perhaps you’ve rehomed a cat from an elderly relative, or taken in a shelter cat – then you’ll need to go to greater lengths to retrain him. Never reward begging behavior with food from the table. You can feed your cat at a similar time to your own mealtime so that you can be sure he’s not actually hungry. (Cats in the wild prefer small, regular meals and may eat several times a day, so you could try feeding yours three or even four smaller meals during the day.)
Another great tool is distraction. You can get a cat treat ball and put his meal in that, so that they have to work a lot harder to get at it or offer a favorite toy. If your cat’s unwanted behavior is because he’s bored, then increasing playtimes can help.
For more mischievous pet-thieves, fire up our earlier picture collections here and here.
#36 Pretended He Was Sleeping, Then Slowly Moved Towards The Food
Image credits: danspud69
#37 She Looks Guilty
Image credits:
#38 Meet Harold, The Reason We Now Close Jars Of Pasta Sauce When We Recycle Them
Image credits: arlu3827
#39 My Puppy Decided He Also Wanted A Piece Of My Mom’s Birthday Cake
Image credits: p4755166
#40 Sketti Thief
Image credits: paranormal_turtle
#41 He Stole A Cheeseburger And Just Had It Sitting In His Mouth
Image credits: YoonminLife
#42 I Turned My Back For 10 Seconds
Image credits: ILoveToads
#43 My 15-Year-Old Deaf Cocker Spaniel Thought He Was Being Sneaky Loudly Stealing Chips When The Kids Left The Pantry Open
Image credits: surfrock66
#44 Mother, You Know That Muffin You Left On The Side? Well, It Exploded
Image credits: Jambohh
#45 Who Stole The Pizza Crust Off My Plate?
Image credits: SteigerStudio
#46 Honestly, I Have No Idea Where All That Cheese Went
Image credits: beckolyn
#47 Every Morning, I Feed The Dog Outside So The Cats Don’t Bother Her. Today I Was Not Fast Enough, So She Picked Out Something To Eat And Waited By The Door
Image credits: eatmycouch
#48 Breakfast With A Cat
Image credits: piglewiggle
#49 She Stole My Bacon And Then Didn’t Eat It
Image credits: leastcmplicated
#50 No Kitty, It’s Not For You
Image credits: blindstep87
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