Teens are often embarrassed by their parents leaving notes in their lunchboxes and sharing baby photos with their current crush. “Moooom, stop!” But little do they know, their parents learned from the best. Because when these kids were younger, they were wreaking havoc on Mom and Dad, humiliating them everywhere they went…
Below, you’ll find some hilarious stories that parents have shared on Reddit, detailing the most embarrassing things their kids have ever said and done in public. So enjoy reading through these silly tales, and whether you’re a parent or not, be sure to upvote the stories that you find simultaneously hilarious and humiliating!
My daughter screamed ‘SERIOUSLY?’ in church when they made the congregation stand one too many times for her liking. She’s nine.
Image credits: Comprehensive-Sea-63
We were at my daughters choir performance, sitting dead center in the front row. Right before the performance starts, as the entire room is dead silent and the choir director is lifting her arms, my seven year old rips the LOUDEST fart. Without missing a beat, he yells “Mom! Why did you fart?”.
I wanted to melt into the gym floor. All I could do was stare forward with my cheeks on fire.
Image credits: wyowow
My daughter asks every bald man if he is her daddy, even if we are with her daddy.
Image credits: sunflowercupcakee
I’m currently 38 weeks pregnant and my 6 year old told a cashier:
“My mom looks fat when she’s naked, but when she’s wearing clothes she looks pregnant”
This was literally out of nowhere and unprompted.
She’s not wrong, so I just thanked her for sharing.
Image credits: alabibecia
We were standing in line to get on a plane and my oldest (who was 3 at the time) pointed to the man directly behind us who had a very large stomach and said very loudly “he is having a baby!”
Luckily he was such a good sport and was so kind. But I had to explain a couple things to her after that haha
Image credits: LaTeeter
My 3 year old was singing about dinosaurs loudly at the grocery store and I told her I loved her singing, but asked her to please use her inside voice. She randomly came out with “Im sorry mommy! Please dont lock me in the closet!” And a whole bunch of people turned to look at me. I’ve never once locked her in a closet! Theres no room in our closet even if I wanted to!
Image credits: Lost_n_spaced
Recently we were walking into the store right before a snowstorm, and naturally there were people hoarding cases of water into their car like it was about to be the apocalypse. My son (8, and loves math) looked at them as we were walking by and was LOUDLY asking why they needed so much water. I laughed it off, but this kid did the math of how many bottles were in each pack and how many cases they loaded into their car and was like “what are they going to do with 210 bottles of water at one time? they really couldn’t leave any for other people?”
He’s not wrong but shut up ?
Image credits: OneAcanthocephala999
My son would ask random men if they were his daddy. I am married to his father!!! He knows exactly who his dad is!
Image credits: BlumeKraft
Took my daughter, I think she was three at the time, into the public restroom with me. She loudly started asking why I have hair on my butt…
Image credits: DryLengthiness5574
An older woman wearing a big, black, cloak-looking jacket with a visible wart on her nose said hi to my daughter at the grocery store when she was almost 3. Daughter glared at her and immediately yelled “go away you’re a witch!”
She used to be obsessed with Snow White and honestly this lady did kinda look like the witch in that movie lol. As soon as I saw her I knew what my daughter would be thinking I was just praying she wouldn’t say it. The lady was actually pretty nice about it but I was so embarrassed lol.
Image credits: CuppyBees
We were in a health and beauty shop. Not too many customers and talking about our holidays as we were shopping for sun tan lotion when my 5 year old pipes up with, ‘remember when you closed the pool at the hotel because you pooped in the pool’ a lady turned and started giggling. I was mortified.
The truth – someone did poop in the pool and the pool had to be shut for the day to clean it but I didn’t do it, see it or have anything to do with it. I didn’t even enter the pool that day ?
Image credits: greenbox_36
A little person walked by us in the store qnd my son shouted “daddy that lady is so tiny. Daddy I love her she is so tiny.”
Lol God damn it.
Image credits: chlorinegasattack
We were in the pet food aisle of a grocery store and talking about how our dog was very old when he died and how our cat was quite old and we weren’t sure how much longer he would have to live.
This older woman was sharing the aisle with us and my 4yo son turns to point at her and says “so this lady…” and I had to scoop him up very quickly before he could finish his sentence.
Image credits: huggle-snuggle
One time I was in a changing room at a women’s clothing store with my then-two-year-old, trying on a new top. It was the type of fitting room with a curtain across the entrance that you just pull closed when you’re inside.
Well, my toddler apparently got bored with watching me try on clothes, so he ripped open the curtain and ran off at top speed into the (fairly busy) store.
I did not have time to think – he has always been super active and he could really move when the mood struck him, so my reflexes were to get to him and grab him as quickly as possible.
So, half-naked wearing just my bra (which was not by any means a nice bra), pale and flabby because it was the winter months, I ran after him out of the changing room and across the store, loudly shouting his name (which caused all the shoppers in the immediate vicinity to turn and look).
He was actually halfway out the door and into the shopping centre by the time I was able to catch him, and then I had to scuttle awkwardly back to the fitting rooms, bright red, embarrassed to within an inch of my life.
Obviously, he thought – and still thinks to this day when I tell him this story – it was hilarious.
In 2020 when I had to bring my 2yo daughter to the store with me, she would see everyone with a mask on and start fake coughing loudly. She associated masks with doctors and being sick I guess. It was cringe worthy and I had to rush out of the store because I couldn’t get her to stop. Everyone would give us nasty looks. The store finally offered pick up orders so we avoided the store for a long time ?
Image credits: crochetmama1
We were at Target and my son was about 3 at time and he grabbed tampons off the shelf and said “here’s the things you put up your butt, mom!”
When my son was about 1.5, he pointed at a woman’s generous cleavage with a confused face and asked her “bum”?
It was more funny than embarrassing but it was my first realization that kids have zero filter.
Image credits: huggle-snuggle
My 4 year old daughter saw someone wearing a full niqab at a playground and said out loud “is she a ninja? It’s not even halloween?” I was so embarrassed
Image credits: GlitteryFireUnicorn
My daughter mooned the grocery store while I was putting our stuff on the counter to be scanned. I have no idea how long she had her pants down, but I heard laughing and turned and there she was, butt hanging out.
Image credits: lisette729
Dad here. We were at the grocery store and saw this monster of a man, definitely a bodybuilder – he was like 6’3” 250 pounds of muscle. We pass him in an aisle and my boy (3 or 4 at the time) says to him “my dad can beat you up”. I look at the giant man and he just smirks (in a non threatening way). We go about our business as usual (no; I didn’t correct my son, I let him think I was Superman as long as he wanted too)
Image credits: gOldMcDonald
After my daughter was potty trained, she liked the freedom of not having a diaper. One day, our daycare teacher called to see when I was coming to pick up my daughter because she was going to stay past her shift to talk to me about something. Naturally, I worried until I arrived at daycare.
Earlier in the day, my sweet cherub had grabbed herself (Michael Jackson style) and said, ‘I have a ‘gina’ then pointed directly to her teacher’s crotch and said, ‘And you do too.’ She then went around informing the other teachers that they too had ‘a ‘gina.’ Everyone had a good laugh that day. I was embarrassed but just shrugged and said, ‘Well, she’s not wrong.’
Image credits: Happy_Camper45
I was in the bathroom at the zoo with my then 3 year old and she stuck her head under the side of the stall and yelled “I peeking!” at the person in the stall next to us.
Image credits: pangolinzero
I had just gone to the bathroom after a big pork chop dinner at a nice restaurant. The stench was heavy on the air, but there was nothing I could do about it. The pork chops had cleared out the pipes.
As I came out of the stall, a father and his young son came in and the kid shouts, “Holy cow! What the hell died in here? It stinks!”
Then he makes eye contact with me in the mirror as I’m washing my hands, points, and goes “Was that YOU? Yuck!!!”
I’m not easily embarrassed, and I laughed, but I have to admit, this kid had nailed me to the wall, and I *was* a little embarrassed. His dad seemed to notice that, and goes, without missing a beat, “Yeah, well Josh. When you take a c**p it doesn’t exactly smell like flowers either.“
Wherever that guy is, I salute you. Dads of the world unite.
Image credits: OniOdisCornukaydis
When my daughter was 2, we went on a long flight. At one point, a flight attendant was near, and my daughter looked up and said, “Piece of a*s!” The flight attendant gave me (father) the worst look! Like, I think she assumed that my daughter was repeating something that she had heard me say.
What I knew, however, was that my daughter had a bit of a funny accent when pronouncing certain words, and I explained to the flight attendant, “She would like a piece of *ice*. Ice.”
I don’t think she believed me, but she put some ice in a cup and handed it to my daughter who happily looked at it and said, “A*s! A*s!” At that, the flight attendant stated laughing and forgave me.
Image credits: dave_hitz
When we met with our realtor for the first time, my 5 year old was sitting on top of a large plastic storage bin while we talked. This kid has clearly been feral during COVID and has not been around anyone but family. In the middle of our visit, the kid let out an impressively lengthy fart that was made even louder by the plastic he was sitting on. Thank goodness the realtor just laughed and high fived him. We are socializing him more now ?
At a funeral and 3/4 of the way through the priest is saying something about going home, and in this huge church comes a high pitched voice ” He died?” It brought the service to a halt, you couldn’t help but laugh.
Image credits: Worried_Trifle8985
This happened to a friend. She was shopping with her toddler and needed to use the bathroom. She had her period so the toddler must have noticed her pad. In the supermarket later the toddler announced loudly to the cashier, “My Mum has a Band-Aid in her undies!”.
We were toilet training and out at a cafe. My kiddo was playing under the outdoor table and when I peered under she had squatted and dropped a poo right there. I’ve never scooped up a s**t so fast and bailed.
Image credits: vause9
One time my three-year old saw a man who looked of African descent. She pointed and said Mama look a chocolate man!!!!!!! ??♀️
When my son was around 5-6, I told him while grocery shopping that we were visiting my MIL for Thanksgiving that year because I couldn’t afford the time to cook a lot of food at once (I was finishing a college degree + working). As we were leaving, I stopped to grab a drink at a serving counter and he proceeded to tell the barista that “We’re going to my Nana’s for Thanksgiving because my mom can’t afford to cook dinner now!” I didn’t shop there again for at least a month. Absolutely mortified.
Image credits: pensive_scribe
My oldest used to point at people and shout “WHAT IS THAT!!”
“Son, that’s just another human, please don’t point it’s rude”
Rinse and repeat through the entire store. And bonus he’d wait until they were RIGHT next to us, so there was no mistaking he was pointing directly at them.
We were at the grocery store and a very large woman was on one of those motorized scooter things and my 2 year old goes “oh…heavy” ??♂️??♂️??♂️??♂️
Image credits: okwhatever1263
Toddler threw wine bottles out of the shopping cart (2 of them, both red, shattered everywhere) and said screamed “no more wine Mommy”.
Image credits: bacchuslife
In the grocery store this weekend, my son yelled “why is that lady screaming at her baby?!” in a very loud, very shocked tone. It was embarrassing for everyone around but maybe now that lady won’t be screaming at her toddler in public anymore.
Image credits: ZebraZombies101
After going to the bathroom with me in the grocery store, randomly out of the blue my 4 year old daughter shouts “mommy you pooped in the store!”
She wasn’t wrong.. but not everyone needed to know.
My son went through a very long phase of trying to put his finger in belly buttons when he was a toddler. If he was near me, he was reaching for my belly button. So annoying. Anyway, kiddo was 2 1/2 or so and I was really sick and had no one to watch my son, so I took him to urgent care with me. There was a very large man in a very small t-shirt, that prominently showed of his massive black hole of a belly button. I didn’t notice the man or his belly button at first, but kiddo sure did. I’m signing into the doctor, and kiddo is struggling to be put down. I put him down and he makes a bee line for this guy with his little finger pointing at the object of his obsession. Kiddo get’s to this guy, pulls the t-shirt up, and plunges is whole tiny fist into this massive, hairy belly button. The guy was super nice about it. Wasn’t even offended when I took kiddo to the rest room to wash his hand really well. Then the three of us spent an eternity in that waiting room. Kiddo was angry he couldn’t fondle the strangers button, the guy was not comfortable at all about any of it, and I just wanted to sink into the floor.
Image credits: 53Thatswhatshesaid53
I was walking my 2 year old with the stroller and an elderly man was walking toward us. He had a white beard. A large belly. And happened to be wearing a bright red shirt.
Can you guess what happened next?
2 year old, yelling at the top or his lungs and frantically pointing at the man:
– SANTA CLAUS! Mommy look that’s Santa Claus! Look mommy, look there he is!
We’re still some distance away from this poor man, so I think there’s a chance he didn’t hear us and I cross to the other side of the street to avoid him hearing us. I try to calm the kid down but he’s too excited to even hear me.
2 year old yells louder:
– Mommy, that’s Santa Claus!!! PRESEEEEENTS! WHERE ARE MY PRESENTS!?!
We were on the other side of the street but I’m pretty sure he heard and he definitely saw my kid pointing at him and jumping up and down in his stroller. He did not seem to find it cute though.
Although, to be fair, you can’t look like Santa and dress like Santa and not expect toddlers to lose their s**t lol.
When my nephew was about 4 he was in the car with me, my husband and my mum and he very innocently goes “is head and d**k a naughty word?” I’m shocked so I go “excuse me?” He repeats the questions. I tell him that yes it is a naughty word and he shouldn’t really say it but ask where he heard it. He goes “I heard mummy say ‘Alex you’re a d******d’” (Alex is his dad). Very funny.
My oldest was 4 or 5 at the time. We were in a big grocery store being checked out and the cashier had a bunch of dark colored spots all over her face. Like freckles, but darker. They may have even been little moles, I don’t know. My dear child asked her what happened to her face. The lady was a good sport and told my daughter she was just born like that, but you could tell she was self conscious about it. I wanted to sink into the floor.
screamed “I have poopy pants” during church. Not sure if it was the worst, but top 5
Not my kid, but my brother. It was Christmas Eve mass and he was about 3 or 4. Brother snuck out of his seat, laid down on the priest’s feet, and loudly sobbed “We go home now?!”. I have never seen my mom so red. The priest just laughed it off and said that was his cue to stop talking.
My 3 year old saw a lady throw a lottery ticket on the ground when we were walking past and yelled at her “yourrr disgusting, pick it up.” while rolling her eyes ??♀️
also told my brother in law his new baby (her cousin) “looks weird” but thats okay maybe she’ll look better when shes a grown up. (Because my husband showed her a picture of her when she was like a hour old with a cone head and she asked what was wrong with it and we explained it happens it’ll go away later) but nothing like having a 3 year old tell you your first child isnt cute. Still think hes a little pissy about it.
Image credits: Anxiety_ridden95
My son told the nurse we are homeless and live under a bench. We’re not. We’ve never been.
He overheard me telling my sister that I wanted to move and didn’t care if we moved to a bridge ?.
I’ve had a few. I was at the zoo with my daughter when she was 4 a couple of years ago. It was very busy. She proudly said very loudly ‘my mum has bum-worms’. I wanted the ground to swallow me up. She picked it up from watching bluey. On the same visit we were sharing some food and out of nowhere she says ‘oi you f****r get your own’ ??
My 6 year old daughter and I were outdoor dining. I’m pregnant, so she points out anyone with a big belly. An obviously pregnant woman walked past and my daughter yells “LOOK MOMMY! She has a big belly too!” I say, “Yes, Maybe she’s having a baby!!!” I’m fully intending to talk about not yelling something like that, and the various reasons for big bellies, when she points to an older (50’s or 60’s) woman on the larger weight size and again says “She’s got a big belly too! Is she having a baby?” ???♀️??♀️
Not my kids because she can barely talk but my brother asked my mum if she was still a virgin. In the middle of the library.
My husband was away in India for a business trip for 3 weeks. I brought my 5 year old daughter to ballet practice and my 2 year old son and I were waiting in the lobby for it to be over, when suddenly he points at another man also waiting and says (very loudly) “Is that my Daddy?” I was mortified and also trying hard not to laugh. I think I told him that he knew that wasn’t his Daddy. Then he sees another man and says the same thing. He KNEW it was funny! Everyone was looking at us like he had no Idea who his dad was!
My 1.5 year old son is the whitest baby I’ve ever seen. But every time he sees very tall Black men, he points to them and shouts, “Dada!!!”
We were clothes shopping once and he ran around the aisles shouting “DADDY’S C**K, DADDY’S C**K”. Daddy’s socks. Fml. ??♀️
Our gardener’s name is Juan. My 2.5 year old daughter loves Juan. The issue here is, if she sees anyone who resembles Juan, be it at the grocery store, or on the street she greets them with a “HI JUAN!!!”
Kids say the darndest things.
We were in the grocery store and my daughter starts yelling “help! Help! Help!” Trying to climb out of the cart. Omg I was worried ppl were going to think we were kidnapping her!
Lol just today my 7 yr old and i were hiking a trail that people can also bike on and this older gentleman comes riding on his bike past us and my son goes, “Wow that guy was OLD!” ? I was like could u not wait until he was out of hearing range? Lol
At Olive Garden for lunch, the waiter asked my friend if she wanted some wine and her son said “Oh my mom only drinks at night”. We were all dying!!
My oldest used to ask in PUBLIC quite loudly if we were going to eat dinner that day. Like we often skipped meals. Didn’t help that she was a twig. My 2nd child didn’t want to behave at the doctors office waiting area for her vaccines and I had to literally run around the waiting room chasing her while she screamed. No one helped. They all watched and snickered
My bff and I are in our late 30s, but she already has a head of mostly grey hair. My daughter (5) has asked a few times now if she’s a grandma. And while my bff is not offended, every single time I want to die.
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